My Tutorials are strictly my own creations,
if they resemble another it is purely coincidence.
This was written with the use of PSP X3.
You may create it any version of PSP.
Supplies Needed.
Scrap Angels Delight by Nette NightOwl Works .You can purchase it at Here.
This is part of Bundle 1 Nette has created.
The artwork of ©Zindy Neilsen Currently available Here.
Font of choice
Mask of Choice
Open new image 700 x 700 transparent background.
Open Kristy08_CircleRibbonFrame-5 copy paste as new layer.
Select your Freehand selection tool and outline the circle inside the silver cirlce.
Then apply Effects-Texture Effects-Mosaic-Glass with these settings.
Open your tube preferably one with angel wings copy paste as new layer resize
to fit insidecircle, dulpicate.On original layer change the
Blend mode to Luminancy (L).
Open Bunch of Glitter Leaves_Bunch2_Scrap and Tubess2 copy paste as new layer
above background layer.
Resize 75% then duplicate. Arrange at top of circle see tag. Add a drop shadow.
Open blue charm copy paste as new layer resize 75% arrange at top of Glitter leaves
.Add a light drop shadow.
Open Lovely bow_Bow3_Scrap and Tubes copy paste at bottom right of frame
resize 85% add drop shadow.
Open HIBISCUS2 and 3 copy paste as new layer resize to fit then duplicate
then resize again place around ribbon.Give all a drop shadow.
Open cloud2 copy paste below frame layer. Duplicate 3 times arrange to your liking.
Open your main tube copy paste arrange on left of frame, give this a drop shadow.
Open Redju_CU_DesignerMix6_fireworks02 copy paste above background layer.
Click on background layer Select All.
Open np10 cop paste into selection, deselect then apply mask merge group.
Add your Artist © and your name using Palace Script font FG#dec3ae BG# 4a5e7e stroke 0.5
add a drop shadow 2/2/50/3 or your choice of font then crop and save.
Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'd love to se your results so that I can show them on my Blog.
Tutorial by © Maree *(aka DesignbyFalcon) June 2012.