My Tutorials are strictly my own creations,
if they resemble another it is purely coincidence.
This was written with the use of PSP X3.
You may create it any version of PSP.
Supplies Needed.
Scrap Frost-PTU created by Jen-SleeknSassy Designs .You can find her kits Here.
I'm using the artwork of ©Leilana FTU artist available Here
Font of choice
Mask HPP_11 by Bev HorsePlay Pastures Here.
Eye Candy 4000-Jiggle
Animation shop
Open new image 800 x 800 transparent background.
Set your Foreground to #ffffff and Background to#000000.
Select your Preset Shape tool-Rectangle and draw out a large square.
Then duplicate.Rename S1 and S2.
Change your Preset shape tool-Ellipse and draw out a circle.Arrange them as I have or to your liking.
Select Magic wand closeout S2 on S1 click inside square with Magic wand, open Frost_Paper4
copy paste into selection, deselect.Repeat for S2 this time using Frost_Paper7.
Select the circle using Magic wand click inside circle copy paste into selection Frost_Paper2
Open Frost-Element7 copy paste as a new layer above S1 place at top of square.
Open Frost-Element2 copy paste as new layer S2 then resize 85% drag over to the left of square add drop shadow.
Open Frost-Element39 copy paste as new layer arrange on left side of S2 add light drop shadow.
Open Frost-Element29 copy paste as new layer below circle layr see tag for placement.
Open Frost-Element13 copy paste as new layer drag over to top of S1 right corner
Open Frost-Element26 copy paste as new layer resize 20% place on top of branch add drop shadow.
Open Frost-Element4 copy paste as new layer above circle layer.
Open Frost-Element58 copy paste as new layer above circle layer resize 65%, add drop shadow.
Open Frost-Element40 copy paste as new layer resize 60% place on right of layer. Image FreeRotate 30 Right add drop shadow.
Open Frost-Element3 copy paste as new layer arrange on right of layer add drop shadow.
Open Frost-Element43 copy paste as new layer arrange on right of layer see tag then resize 30% add drop shadow.
Open your tube of choice or the one I used arrange on layer give it a drop shadow.
Click on your back ground layer floodfill with #ffffff.Add new layer above this.
Select All copy paste into selection Frost_Paper1 apply your mask Merge group.
Close out your tube layer. Merge all other layers-Merge visible.
Open your tube layer using your Freehand Selection tool out line bottom part of dress.
Duplicate tube layer twice then close out layers 2 & 3.
On 1st tube layer select EyeCandy -Jiggle using these settings:
Click Ok.
Close out layer1 open 2 then change the bubble to 16.50.
Repeat for layer 3 this time change to 17.50.
Close out tube layers 2 & 3 open 1.
Open Animation Shop
Edit Copy Merged background and tube 1 layers.
Click in AS Paste as New Animation.
Back in PSP close out 1 open 2 Edit Copy Merge.
In AS Paste after Current Frame
Click back to PSP Close out layer 2 open layer 3
In AS click on 2nd frame Paste after Current frame,
Check your animation then save as a Gif.
Add your Artist © and your name then crop.
Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'd love to se your results so that I can show them on my Blog.
Tutorial by © Maree *(DesignsbyFalcon) July 2012.