Friday, February 10, 2012

Fairy Dreamz♥

My Tutorials are strictly my own creations,
if they resemble another it is purely coincidence.
This was written with the use of PSP X2.
You may create it any version of PSP.
Supplies Needed.

Scrap CU Dream World by Edda-Claudin Design .You can purchase it at Scrappindollars Here.

I'm using the artwork of ©Sumeragisama Currently available at PFD Here.

Font of choice

Mask_284 by Weescotslass. Here

Open new image 750 x 600 transparent background.

Open CD_Dream05 copy paste as new layer.
Using your Freehand tool-Point to Point go around the outline of center frame.
Selections Modify Expand by 4. Open your closeup tube copy paste into selection.
Give frame a drop shadow.
Open 102 Graeser_biggi.K-1 copy and paste above background layer.
Arrange behind frame add drop shadow.
Open CD_Dream013 copy paste as new layer resize 65% arrange on left of layer.
Add a drop shadow then duplicate Image Mirror.
Open CD_Dream011 copy paste as new layer resize 43% arrange on left of frame
give it a drop shadow.
Open CD_Dream08 copy paste as new layer resize 42% arrange on right of frame,
give it a light drop shadow.
Open CD_Dream012 copy paste as new layer resize 65% arrange on right add drop shadow.
Open CD_Dream09 copy paste as new layer resize 36% arrange at top of frame.
Add a drop shadow.
Click on background layer. Floodfill with #e4b36a.
Effects-textured effects-Sandstone with these settings.

Then apply your mask merge merge group.
Add your Artist © and your name then crop.

Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'd love to se your results so that I can show them on my Blog.

Tutorial by © Maree *Falcon (aka DesignbyFalcon) 10th February 2012.
