Friday, February 10, 2012

ForeverMine ♥

My Tutorials are strictly my own creations,
if they resemble another it is purely coincidence.
This was written with the use of PSP X2.
You may create it any version of PSP.
Supplies Needed.

Scrap Forever Mine by Jen-SleeknSassy Designz .You can purchase it at Scrappindollars Here.

I'm using the artwork of ©Eugene Rzhevskii Currently available at PFD

Font of choice

Mask_287 by Weescotslass Here.

Animation Shop

Open new image 700 x 700 transparent background.

Select All copy paste into selection FM_Paper8 deselect apply mask merge merge group.
Effects-Textured Effects Mosaic Antigue Grid settings 50 50
Mosaic settings 70-2-50 box ticked.
Open FM_Element23 copy paste as new layer arrange at top of mask add drop shadow.
Open FM_Element2 copy paste as new layer resize 45% arrange on layer add drop shadow.
Open FM_Element4 copy paste as new layer Image Mirror arrange on left of layer resize 65% add drop shadow.
Open FM_Element7 copy paste as new layer arrange on center right. Resize 45%.
Open FM_Element31 copy paste as new layer arrange bottom of mask resize 65%
add drop shadow.
Open FM_Element29 copy paste as new layer arrange at bottom resize 45% add drop shadow.
Open FM_Element57 copy paste as new layer arrange on layer next to heart at top.
Add drop shadow.Image Mirror.
Click on mask layer Duplicate twice.Click onto original layer then apply these settings using
Xfeno Constellation on mask.

Click on dupicated layer 1 apply settings this time hit Random Seed button once.
Repeat for duplicated layer2.
Open your tube copy paste as new layer resize if needed arrange on left of layer see tag.
Adddrop shadow.

Add your Artist © and your name.


Open Animation shop then click back to psp.

Close out mask layers two an three. Make sure you are on bottom layer.
Edit Copy special-Copy merged.Click into AS paste as new animation.
Click back into Psp closeout layer 1 open layer mask 2 copy special-copy merged.
click back into AS Edit Paste- paste after current frame.
Repeat for mask layer 3.
Check your animation and if happy save as Gif.

Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'd love to se your results so that I can show them on my Blog.

Tutorial by © Maree *Falcon (aka DesignbyFalcon) 10th February 2012.
