Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Garden Magick ♥

My Tutorials are strictly my own creations,
if they resemble another it is purely coincidence.
This was written with the use of PSP X3.
You may create it any version of PSP.

Supplies Needed.

Scrap Garden Magick created by 2 Irish Bitchesd Dsigns.You can purchase it at Here.

I'm using the artwork of ©Rachel Tallamy Currently available at UYA Here.

Font 2Peas Sonnets Script.

Mask wsl_3 by Weescotslass Here.

Open new image 650 x 650 transparent background.

On background layer Select All. Open Paper 16 copy paste into selection
then apply mask Merge group.

Open Latern copy paste as new layer resize 55% arrange on left of layer.Add a drop shadow.
Open Dress copy paste as new layer arrange on righ of layer resize 65% add drop shadow.
Open Blue Swing copy past as new layer add a light drop shadow.
Open branchlights copy paste as new layer resize 75% arrange at op of swing. Ude your Eraser brush to remove part of the branch. Giving the effect its in the knot at the top.
Add a drop shadow.
Open book copy paste as new layer arrange on left of layer then resize 42%, add a drop shadow.
Open your tube copy paste as new layer arrange in swing. Add drop shadow.
Open mushrooms copy paste as new layer arange next to tube on right of layer
resize 38% give a light drop shadow.
Open Flowescatter copy paste as new layer. Image Flip arrange to your liking.
Add any other Element you would like to use.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop.then go to Adjust- Sharpeness-Sharpen.

Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'd love to se your results so that I can show them on my Blog.

Tutorial by © Maree *(aka DesignbyFalcon) 19th March 2012.
