Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moonbeams n Stardust ♥

My Tutorials are strictly my own creations,
if they resemble another it is purely coincidence.
This was written with the use of PSP X2.
You may create it any version of PSP.
Supplies Needed.

Scrap Moonbeams and Stardust by Inzpired Creationz .
A beautifully created kit thanks Nicky.
You can purchase it at Scrappindollars Here.

I'm using the artwork of ©Anna Marine Currently available at CDO.
You will need to purchase a license to use her artwork.

Font of choice or the one I used Fragrance.

Mask_260 by Weescotslass Here

Open new image 700 x 700 transparent background.
Open Frame4 copy paste as new layer then resize 60% Image FreeRotate 90 Left.
Duplicate Image Mirror.Right click on layer Merge down.
Add a drop shadow to frames.
With Magic wand colick inside bothe frames and around the ribbons.
Selections Modify Expand by 4.
Open Paper5 copy paste as new layer resize 65% position over frame.Selections Invert then tap
delete.Close out backgroundlayer then Layers Merge merge down.
Drag layer below frame layer.
Open psp2ADB.tmp copy paste as new layer, click inside frame with Magic wand Selections modify Expand by 3.
Open Paper copy paste arrange over frame Selections Invert tap delete,
deselect then move below frame layer.
Open your choice of tube or the one I am using copy paste position under the frame. With

Selection Tool select upper part of tube.Right click on layer the
promote Selection to Layer.Deselect then move this part above frame,.
Give your tube only a light drop shadow.
Close out square frame layer and background layer then Layers Merge merge down.
Move your tube frame down
Open psp 28E6.tmp copy paste as new layer above squarframe layer,
resize 60% arrange on right of frame.Add a drop shadow.
Open psp 2B49.tmp copy paste resize to fit squareframe.Arrange on layr see tag.
open mask 1 copy paste as new layer resize 45% arrange on left of squareframe
give a light drop shadow.
Open wordart copy paste as new layer resize 43% arrange on right of layer.
Open psp2839.tmp copy paste as new layer arrange on left of layer then resize 38%.
Add drop shadow. Image FreeRotate 35 right.
Open Sparkles 6 copy paste as new layer, arrange to your liking.
Open Banner1 copy paste as new layer arrange at bottom of frame. Add drop shadow.
Open Butterfly2 copy paste as new layer arrange on banner resize 35% add drop shadow.
Open parkle2 copy paste resize 40% duplicate arrange on banner.
Click on background layer Select All copy paste Paper into Selection.
Apply mask merge merge group.

I used font-Fragrance FG#ffffff BG 0000ff Stroke 1 add drop shadow 3 3 50 3.

Add your Artist © and your name then crop.Adjust Sharpen.

Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'd love to se your results so that I can show them on my Blog.

Tutorial by © Maree *Falcon (aka DesignbyFalcon) 3rd March 2012.
